604-536-8600 info@drjustyna.com

earrachesWith September just around the corner, parents will, once again, be faced with treating many illnesses affecting their children.  One of the worst, for both child and parent, is the dreaded ear infection!  However, before opting for the antibiotics, there are a number of natural alternatives that work very effectively in helping to relieve your child of the pain, swelling, inflammation and infection.


1. Diet – Avoid Food Allergens & Intolerances


Food allergies and intolerances are a major cause of chronic otitis media (OM) and this link has been firmly established in research literature.  In fact, from 85% to 93% of children with OM have allergies – 16% to inhalants, 14% to food only and 70% to both.  Luckily, 86% of patients found that doing an elimination diet ameliorated their chronic OM.  Some of the most common allergic foods to avoid include: milk and dairy, eggs, wheat, corn, oranges, and peanuts.  To check for other possible allergies and food intolerances that affect your child, contact your local naturopathic doctor or holistic practitioner.


2. Garlic & Olive Oil Ear Drops


Garlic is very effective for relieving earaches as it’s powerful aromatic compounds have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.  One of my favourite ways to administer garlic is to make it into ear drops with the help of extra virgin olive oil.  Make sure to warm the ear drops to just above room temperature before dropping it into your child’s ear as the heat will help relieve the pain.  Warning – do not use ear drops if your child has a burst (perforated) eardrum or one is suspected.


To make garlic and olive oil ear drops, just crush 3 – 4 cloves of garlic and cover it with EVOO in a small sauce pan.  Simmer on very low heat for at least 30min, strain and decant into a dropper bottle.  If you have some mullein flowers in the house, adding 1/4 cup to the mix will make the ear drops even more effective.


3. Onion Ear Muffs


Onions are also very effective in relieving earache pain rapidly.  One great way to use them is to make ear muffs out of them.  Start by baking or steaming the whole onion with it’s skin still on until it is soft.  Then cut the cooked onion in half and place the cut surface against the outside of the ear for 5 – 20 min.  Please make certain that the onion has cooled enough to not burn the skin.


4. Breast Milk


Human breast milk is a complex mixture of, not only food, but also active germ fighting and health-promoting ingredients.  It contains white blood cells and various antibodies such as immunoglobulin A (IgA) which specifically work to boost immunity.  Not only will breastfeeding your baby coat the lining of your babies immature intestines, preventing germs to leak though but, it will also work to prevent food allergies which can eventually play a part in the development of ear infections in the first place.  With that said, if your baby currently has an earache, try squirting a few drops of breast milk into the affected ear every few hours and allow it’s white blood cells and antibodies to work their magic.


5. Homeopathic Remedies


Homeopathic remedies are often very effective in treating acute symptoms of earache.  Here are some common remedies to consider:


Aconitum – consider this at the ONSET of an earache.  The external ear is usually painful and hot and a fever generally accompanies this ear infection.  The child feels throbbing pain after exposure to cold and is hypersensitive to noise or music.  They tend to also be very thirsty.


Belladonna – think RED – reddened ear, ear canal/eardrum and sometimes flushed face.  The symptoms come on suddenly and usually the right ear is more affected than the left.  The pain is throbbing, piercing and can extend to the throat.  The child feels better sitting semi-erect and is soothed by warm applications, however, motion aggravates them and they are typically worse at night.  Emotionally, the child is agitated and may become delirious and will bite and scream.


Chamomilla – children are in great pain which leads to extreme irritability.  They tend to demand things only to refuse them once those things are offered.  They are impatient and inconsolable.  The ears feel stuffed up and there may be buzzing in them.


Mercurius – most common remedy for children with chronic ear infections.  There is pus and gluey, burning and offensive-smelling discharge that is green or yellow.  The pain and discharge may be worse at night and from the warmth of the bed.  They may drool a great deal and sweat so much that their sheets get wet.


Pulsatilla – earache starts after the child has gotten wet or been chilled.  Ear pains are worse at night and when the child is warm in bed – relief is felt from cold applications.  There is usually little pain during the day.  These children are gentle, mild and weepy and although their pain will make them somewhat irritable, it is more whining than anger.








Image credit: <a href=’http://www.123rf.com/photo_7987057_little-girl-has-earache.html’>luna123 / 123RF Stock Photo</a>